Where can I learn the networking needed for hacking?
If you are doing Web Application hacking (websites) you might want to know background networking concepts such as reverse proxies, communicating with the internal network, spoofing ip headers and so on. Networking skills dramatically upscale in need when conducting internal penetration tests, or even infrastructure testing. You will need to know how to interact and manipulate the environment, servers, routers and firewalls in order to reach your target - whether it be a system or domain controller (DC). These types of networking skills can be learned in a number of ways, but theoretically not so much; moreso practical. Get an internship or technical experience as a System Admin (SysAdmin) in a place like a school or small business. Undertake one of the Cisco CCNA certificates - while this is oriented towards CISCO technologies it’s very relevant, teaches a lot about networking and gives you a cert that is chased after by companies and government security departments. Do some research i...